Artificial Intelligence Act: MEPs adopt landmark law

GenAI news: In a groundbreaking move, the European Union has passed the world’s first comprehensive law regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI). Endorsed by a vast majority in the European Parliament, this legislation aims to safeguard human rights while fostering responsible AI innovation.

The new law categorizes AI systems based on their potential risks and impact. This ensures stricter regulations for high-risk systems used in critical sectors like infrastructure, law enforcement, and education. Developers of such systems will be required to:

  • Minimize Risks: Implement measures to prevent harm and bias.
  • Maintain Usage Logs: Track and record AI system activity.
  • Guarantee Transparency: Explain how AI systems arrive at decisions.
  • Enable Human Oversight: Ensure human control over critical AI functions.

Furthermore, EU citizens gain new rights under this law. They can:

  • File Complaints: Challenge the use of AI systems they believe are unfair.
  • Demand Explanation: Seek clarification on decisions made by high-risk AI systems.

The law doesn’t stop at high-risk systems. Even commonly used AI models, like GPT-4 and image generators, will face restrictions. These include:

  • Transparency Measures: Complying with EU copyright laws and disclosing training data summaries.
  • Deepfake Labeling: Identifying any manipulated visual, auditory, or video content.
  • A Ban on Unacceptable Practices: Some AI applications are completely banned within the EU. These include: Biometric Categorization; Facial Recognition Databases; Emotion Recognition; Social Scoring Systems; Predictive Policing; Behavior Manipulation

The EU’s AI law sets a precedent for global regulation. This legislation emphasizes responsible innovation and paves the way for a future where AI benefits humanity while respecting fundamental rights. Before gaining formal endorsement from the Council, the law will undergo a final check by lawyer-linguists. It is expected to be published in the official Journal in May 2024.
